And just when we thought we'd seen it all, Carl Arendt asked us if we'd seen this:
(As featured on Carl Arendt's amazing Micro/Small Layouts website!)

A cartoon version of 'The Incredible Dizzying Heights Railroad', by Dan Sawatzky, Sawatzky Imagination Corporation

A real version of the cartoon version of 'The Incredible Dizzying Heights Railroad', by Andrew Milner

This is dizzying indeed! Keep in mind that the original IDH layout stands over nine feet tall...
this one may tower almost two feet:). And yet Andrew really captures the dramatic feeling of height.
Equally dizzing is the thought that anyone else would ever want to build the IDH:)... thank you Andrew!

But most dizzying of all is how Andrew captured the true spirit of Dan's cartoon caricature... in three dimensions!

The Incredible Shrinking Dizzying Heights

A Micro-Layout by Andrew Milner

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